By Shannon Bryant, Posted in Children, Families

This was my first time meeting this family, and I was blown away by how incredibly sweet and friendly they were. Within minutes I felt as if I had known them forever. Their children, Olivia and Nicholas, were both beautiful with personalities to match (and with great manners). I had so much fun photographing them and hope to see them again in the future.

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This family happens to live a few houses down from me and not only are they great neighbors, but their daughter, Ellie, is also a playmate of Jack (yes, he has many adorable girl friends!). Ellie has the greatest disposition, which she clearly gets from her parents. I loved spending time with them and photographing a milestone in their lives... Nikki is due with baby #2 in less than a month!

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The Orwigs are one of my favorite families! They are such nice people.  They live just down the street and we both have two little boys who are around the same ages. We had a great time during our session and such beautiful lighting. I just love Mom in turquoise, she compliments her boys so nicely!

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Oh, how fun it was to photograph this family, just two short weeks after they became a foursome. It was so sweet to see how they all doted on baby Emilia. There is no denying how much joy a baby brings to our lives, and this family was living proof!

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By Shannon Bryant, Posted in Newborn

Finally! A baby girl! I have been consumed with baby boys recently (including my own), so I was thrilled when I received the news that sweet baby Keira had been born. At 8 days old and 8 pounds, Keira was as cute as they come. She slept right through the session and was completely at ease. Such a fun morning!

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By Shannon Bryant, Posted in Babies/Toddlers

Leave it to my bestie and I to venture out on one of the hottest days of the Summer to photograph her daughter, Annabelle. Despite the scorching temps, Miss Annabelle posed like a pro and even endured an outfit change! She was born to model, just like her gorgeous & glowing mama (and baby girl #2 who is due in November!).

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By Shannon Bryant, Posted in Newborn

I spent Sunday afternoon photographing this one week old bundle of joy. You may recognize his parents, the lovely Jasmit and her husband, Ruben, who I photographed over Memorial Day weekend when Jasmit was nearing the end of her pregnancy. I was so thrilled to receive the call from this sweet couple that their baby boy, Harnek, had made his debut into this world. No matter how many newborns I encounter, I can never get over just how tiny they are! Truly a miracle...

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I spent a lovely Saturday morning with baby Luke and his parents. Luke was by far, the happiest baby I have ever seen! He was full of smiles and laughter through the entire session. He is just learning to crawl and was happy rocking back and forth on all fours. It was quite clear Luke is the apple of his parents' eye!

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Saturday morning I ventured up to Ringwood to photograph the lovely Loria family at Ringwood State Park. The weather was picture perfect and little Lucas and Sophia were such troopers; hanging tough through an hour and a half of me snapping away. I truly enjoyed this photo session - I love seeing little ones exploring and enjoying the great outdoors.

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Summer Mini Sessions are here! I am so excited to have the opportunity to photograph a bunch of different families over the course of one day.  The mini sessions will be taking place on Saturday, July 27th - one day only, so book now - spots are limited!

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